Saturday, September 6, 2014

Disclosure # 5

Pledges as of Sept 6, 2014
              Harvey @ $20.00
             Rufino   @   45.00
              Ariel     @   50.00
 T-shirt sale         @   15.00
  Total                  @ 130.00
Total as of 9.3.14 @ 1394.00
 Current Total       @ 1524.00
 Reynand dGuz      @   50.00
Total as of 9.11.14 @1574.00
 T-shirt sale             @   30.00
  Jensen Esteves        @   40.00
Total as of 9.12.14  @1644.00 
 Ed Cabrera              @    80.00
 Rodell                      @    50.00
 John Balon               @    50.00
 Self                            @ 100.00
T- shirt Sale                 - $15.00 return
Total as of 9.14.14   @  $ 1954.00
Rick Santos                  @     50.00
 Celso                             @    40.00
 T_ shirt                          @   45.00
Total as of 9.17.14          @2,089.00
 T-shirt                             @     30.00
  Neil                                @      85.76 (100)
  Corky                              @     76.69 return (100) (23.31 ice
Total as of 9.21.14            @2,281.45  


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