Sunday, May 18, 2014


Please be aware that our credit obligation is due on May 25,2014. Towards this end, those riders whose payments were expedited by our residual funds and credit cards, should by all means in good faith; comply with their monetary obligation. Thank you. The total transaction by CC are as follows:
Sub Total:    $11,406.00
Discount :     $   1,710.90 @ 15%
Shipping:       $     195.00   Fed Ex priority
Sale Tax:        $     872.76 @ 9%
Total:              $10,762.86
There is no profit sharing on this project as decided in an open forum as per previous. There will be a blow by blow accountability on the said same as we level the playing field ASAP. All necessary receipt and sales of actual "Kits" will by all means be published.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your great endeavor in performing your obligations. Our monetary responsibilities were accounted for. Your passion for the success of this project is greatly appreciated.
